Argument overview

All available arguments for the hourly and monthly requests are shown below. This can also be viewed by doing era5cli hourly --help and era5cli monthly --help.

Note that not all combinations of arguments are compatible, such as --land and --ensemble.

More information on the different variables is available in the variable overview.

$ era5cli hourly --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]

                        The variables to download data for. This can be a
                        single variable, or multiple. See the Copernicus
                        Climate Data Store website or run
                        `era5cli info -h` for available variables.

  --startyear STARTYEAR

                        Single year or first year of range for which
                        data should be downloaded.
                        Every year will be downloaded in a separate file
                        by default. Set `--split false` to change this

  --endyear ENDYEAR     
                        Last year of range for which data should be
                        If only a single year is needed, only
                        `--startyear` needs to be specified.
                        Every year will be downloaded in a separate file
                        by default. Set `--split false` to change this

  --levels LEVELS [LEVELS ...]

                        Pressure level(s) to download 3D variables for.
                        Default is all available levels. See the Copernicus
                        Climate Data Store website or run `era5cli info -h`
                        for available pressure levels. For geopotential,
                        `--levels surface` can be used to request data from
                        the single level dataset (previously called

  --outputprefix OUTPUTPREFIX

                        Prefix to be used for the output filename.
                        Default prefix is `era5`

  --format {netcdf,grib}

                        Output file type. Defaults to `netcdf`

                        Merge yearly output files.
                        Default is split output files into separate files
                        for every year

  --threads {1,2,3,4,5,6}

                        Number of parallel threads to use when
                        downloading. Defaults to a single process

                        Whether to download high resolution realisation
                        (HRES) or a reduced resolution ten member ensemble
                        (EDA). Providing the `--ensemble` argument
                        downloads the reduced resolution ensemble.
                        `--ensemble` is incompatible with `--land`

                        Whether to print the cdsapi request to the screen,
                        or make the request to start downloading the data.
                        Providing the `--dryrun` argument will print the
                        request to stdout. By default, the data will be

                        Whether to download the preliminary back extension
                        (1950-1978). Note that when `--prelimbe` is used,
                        `--startyear` and `--endyear` should be set
                        between 1950 and 1978. Please, be aware that
                        ERA5 data is available from 1940.
                        `--prelimbe` is incompatible with `--land`

                        Whether to download data from the ERA5-Land
                        dataset. Note that the ERA5-Land dataset starts in
                        `--land` is incompatible with the use of
                        `--prelimbe` and `--ensemble`


                        Coordinates in case extraction of a subregion is
                        Specified as `LAT_MAX LON_MIN LAT_MIN LON_MAX`
                        (counterclockwise coordinates, starting at the top)
                        with longitude in the range -180, +180
                        and latitude in the range -90, +90. For example:
                        `--area 90 -180 -90 180`. Requests are rounded down
                        to two decimals. By default, the entire
                        available area will be returned

                        Whether to overwrite existing files or not.
                        Providing the `--overwrite` argument will make
                        era5cli overwrite existing files. By default,
                        you will be prompted if a file already exists, with
                        the question if you want to overwrite it or not.

                        Whether to use dashed variable names in the output
                        files, or the (default )normal names.
                        Dashed names can allow for easier extraction
                        of the different facets from the filename.
                        For example:
  --months MONTHS [MONTHS ...]

                        Month(s) to download data for. Defaults to all
                        months. For every year, only these
                        months will be downloaded

  --days DAYS [DAYS ...]

                        Day(s) to download data for. Defaults to all days.
                        For every year, only these days will
                        be downloaded

  --hours HOURS [HOURS ...]

                        Time of day in hours to download data for.
                        Defaults to all hours. For every year,
                        only these hours will be downloaded

  --splitmonths SPLITMONTHS

                        When downloading hourly data, use:
                        `--splitmonths True` to split requests and files
                        by month, and add the month to the filename.

                        Defaults to `False`, but will default to `True` in
                        a future release.
                        When downloading hourly ensemble data, provide
                        the `--statistics` argument to download statistics
                        (ensemble mean and ensemble spread)
$ era5cli monthly --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]

                        The variables to download data for. This can be a
                        single variable, or multiple. See the Copernicus
                        Climate Data Store website or run
                        `era5cli info -h` for available variables.

  --startyear STARTYEAR

                        Single year or first year of range for which
                        data should be downloaded.
                        Every year will be downloaded in a separate file
                        by default. Set `--split false` to change this

  --endyear ENDYEAR     
                        Last year of range for which data should be
                        If only a single year is needed, only
                        `--startyear` needs to be specified.
                        Every year will be downloaded in a separate file
                        by default. Set `--split false` to change this

  --levels LEVELS [LEVELS ...]

                        Pressure level(s) to download 3D variables for.
                        Default is all available levels. See the Copernicus
                        Climate Data Store website or run `era5cli info -h`
                        for available pressure levels. For geopotential,
                        `--levels surface` can be used to request data from
                        the single level dataset (previously called

  --outputprefix OUTPUTPREFIX

                        Prefix to be used for the output filename.
                        Default prefix is `era5`

  --format {netcdf,grib}

                        Output file type. Defaults to `netcdf`

                        Merge yearly output files.
                        Default is split output files into separate files
                        for every year

  --threads {1,2,3,4,5,6}

                        Number of parallel threads to use when
                        downloading. Defaults to a single process

                        Whether to download high resolution realisation
                        (HRES) or a reduced resolution ten member ensemble
                        (EDA). Providing the `--ensemble` argument
                        downloads the reduced resolution ensemble.
                        `--ensemble` is incompatible with `--land`

                        Whether to print the cdsapi request to the screen,
                        or make the request to start downloading the data.
                        Providing the `--dryrun` argument will print the
                        request to stdout. By default, the data will be

                        Whether to download the preliminary back extension
                        (1950-1978). Note that when `--prelimbe` is used,
                        `--startyear` and `--endyear` should be set
                        between 1950 and 1978. Please, be aware that
                        ERA5 data is available from 1940.
                        `--prelimbe` is incompatible with `--land`

                        Whether to download data from the ERA5-Land
                        dataset. Note that the ERA5-Land dataset starts in
                        `--land` is incompatible with the use of
                        `--prelimbe` and `--ensemble`


                        Coordinates in case extraction of a subregion is
                        Specified as `LAT_MAX LON_MIN LAT_MIN LON_MAX`
                        (counterclockwise coordinates, starting at the top)
                        with longitude in the range -180, +180
                        and latitude in the range -90, +90. For example:
                        `--area 90 -180 -90 180`. Requests are rounded down
                        to two decimals. By default, the entire
                        available area will be returned

                        Whether to overwrite existing files or not.
                        Providing the `--overwrite` argument will make
                        era5cli overwrite existing files. By default,
                        you will be prompted if a file already exists, with
                        the question if you want to overwrite it or not.

                        Whether to use dashed variable names in the output
                        files, or the (default )normal names.
                        Dashed names can allow for easier extraction
                        of the different facets from the filename.
                        For example:
  --months MONTHS [MONTHS ...]

                        Month(s) to download data for. Defaults to all
                        months. For every year, only these
                        months will be downloaded

  --synoptic [SYNOPTIC ...]

                        Time of day in hours to get the synoptic means
                        (monthly averaged by hour of day) for. For example
                        `--synoptic 0 4 5 6 23`. Give empty option
                        `--synoptic` to download all hours (0-23).
                        The option defaults to `None` in which case the
                        monthly average of daily means is chosen